Longwave, mediumwave and shortwave infrared rays - harm and benefit

Long-wave infrared rays Today, many experts suggest organizing home heating systems using infrared heating. Commercials describe the positive aspects of such systems, telling how they are economical, effective and completely safe for people. Is it really? To understand this, you need to know what infrared rays are, what harm and benefit they bring.

What effect does regular local heating have on living things? This issue is being studied in many countries around the world. Since 1996, scientists from Japan, USA and Holland have been actively working on a similar topic. They conduct laboratory experiments and present very interesting results.

It all depends on the wavelength. The shortest infrared waves form gamma rays and X-rays. It is dangerous to human health, but we have learned to benefit from both X-rays and radiation. Next on the scale is the ultraviolet radiation used in tanning salons. Then - visible light, and only after it is infrared radiation. These are long-wavelength rays, the physical properties of which are actively used today for heating.

Discovery history

In 1800, a scientist from England W. Herschel made the observation that in the invisible part of the solar spectrum (outside the red light), the temperature of the thermometer rises. Subsequently, the subordination of infrared radiation to the laws of optics was proved and a conclusion was made about its relationship with visible light.

Thanks to the works of the Soviet physicist A.A.Glagoleva-Arkadyeva, who in 1923 received radio waves with λ = 80 μm (infrared range), the existence of a continuous transition from visible radiation to infrared radiation and radio wave was experimentally proved. Thus, a conclusion was drawn about their general electromagnetic nature.

infrared sauna

Almost everything in nature is capable of emitting wavelengths corresponding to the infrared spectrum, which means it is a source of infrared radiation. The human body is no exception. We all know that everything around is made of atoms and ions, even a person. And these excited particles are capable of emitting line IR spectra. They can pass into an excited state under the influence of various factors, for example, electrical discharges or when heated. So, in the emission spectrum of a gas stove flame there is a band with λ = 2.7 µm from water molecules and with λ = 4.2 µm from carbon dioxide.

Contraindications to the use of infrared radiation

The use of infrared radiation as a therapeutic or prophylactic procedure should be avoided in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • purulent processes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

This is interesting: we eat right!

The special properties of infrared radiation in these cases can cause harm to the body, which will aggravate existing diseases. Such treatment will definitely not bring benefits in the presence of such contraindications.

IR waves in everyday life, science and industry

Using certain devices at home and at work, we rarely ask ourselves about the effect of infrared radiation on the human body. Meanwhile, infrared heaters are quite popular today. Their principal difference from oil radiators and convectors is the ability to heat not the air itself directly, but all objects in the room.That is, furniture, floors and walls are heated first, and then they give up their heat to the atmosphere. At the same time, infrared radiation has an effect on organisms - a person and his pets.

Infrared beams are also widely used for data transmission and remote control. Many mobile phones have infrared ports for exchanging files between them. And all remotes from air conditioners, music centers, televisions, some controlled children's toys also use electromagnetic rays in the infrared range.

IR rays in remote controls

How to avoid the harmful effects of infrared waves

To protect yourself from the negative effects of heat waves, you must adhere to some rules:

Shortwave infrared heater

  1. If the work is directly related to high temperature heaters, then requires the use of protective clothing to protect the body and eyes.
  2. Household heaters with exposed heating elements are used with extreme caution. You can not be close to them and it is better to reduce the time of their influence to a minimum.
  3. The premises should contain such devices that have the least effect on a person and his health.
  4. Do not stay in the sun for a long time.... If this cannot be changed, then you need to constantly wear a hat and clothing that covers open areas of the body. This is especially true for children, who cannot always detect an increase in body temperature.

If these rules are observed, a person will be able to protect himself from the unpleasant consequences of excessive heat influence. Infrared rays can be both harmful and beneficial for certain uses.

The use of infrared rays in the army and astronautics

Infrared rays are most important for the aerospace and military industries. On the basis of photocathodes that are sensitive to infrared radiation (up to 1.3 microns), night vision devices (various binoculars, sights, etc.) are created. They allow, while simultaneously irradiating objects with infrared radiation, aiming or observing in absolute darkness.

Thanks to the created highly sensitive receivers of infrared rays, it became possible to produce homing missiles. Sensors in their warheads react to infrared radiation from a target, the temperature of which is usually higher than the ambient temperature, and direct the missile towards the target. The same principle is used to detect heated parts of ships, aircraft and tanks with the help of heat direction finders.

IR locators and rangefinders can detect various objects in complete darkness and measure the distance to them. Special devices - optical quantum generators, which emit in the infrared region, are used for space and long-distance terrestrial communications.

Thermal imagers monitor the level of infrared radiation

How to see the IR beam

In order to be able to fix infrared radiation, various technical means are most often used. The simplest method available in everyday life is the use of a remote control from a TV or other equipment with infrared control and a video camera.

It is necessary to put on record or simply display the picture and direct the beam from the remote control into the lens. When you press any key, a light blue reflection from the remote control transmission channel will be displayed, which is visible only through a digital camera.

Infrared radiation in scientific activities

One of the most common is the study of emission and absorption spectra in the infrared region. It is used in the study of the features of the electronic shells of atoms, to determine the structures of all kinds of molecules, and, in addition, in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures of various substances.

Due to the differences in the scattering, transmittance and reflection of bodies in visible and infrared rays, photographs taken under different conditions are slightly different. Infrared images often show more detail.Such images are widely used in astronomy.

Study of the influence of infrared rays on the body

The first scientific data on the influence of infrared radiation on the human body dates back to the 1960s. The author of the research is the Japanese physician Tadashi Ishikawa. In the course of his experiments, he was able to establish that infrared rays tend to penetrate deep into the human body. In this case, thermoregulation processes occur, similar to the reaction to being in a sauna. However, sweating begins at a lower ambient temperature (it is about 50 ° C), and the internal organs are warmed up much deeper.

In the course of such heating, blood circulation increases, the vessels of the respiratory system, subcutaneous tissue and skin expand. At the same time, prolonged exposure to infrared radiation on a person can cause heatstroke, and strong infrared radiation leads to burns of varying degrees.

IR radiation improves blood circulation

Influence of infrared radiation on the human body

The deliberate use of the properties of infrared rays benefits the human body. Here are examples of how they contribute to overall health benefits:

  1. The rays help to destroy disease-causing bacteria, thereby helping in the fight against colds.
  2. Infrared rays strengthen the immune system of children and adults.
  3. Also, doctors noted their benefits for the skin. By increasing blood flow, it is easier for the skin to receive the necessary substances, as a result of which it becomes more toned.
  4. The cosmetic effect of the rays for the skin is unlimited. Numerous studies show that they help heal skin conditions such as urticaria, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  5. The saturation of the enclosed space with infrared radiation helps to reduce the harm from dust to the human body.

Important! The therapeutic effect of infrared radiation is due to the fact that the rays, penetrating the human body, trigger chains of complex biochemical reactions.

IR protection

There is a small list of measures aimed at reducing the risk of exposure to infrared radiation on the human body:

  1. Decrease in radiation intensity. It is achieved through the selection of appropriate technological equipment, timely replacement of outdated equipment, as well as its rational layout.
  2. Removing workers from the radiation source. If the production line permits, remote control of it should be preferred.
  3. Installation of protective screens at the source or workplace. Such fences can be arranged in two ways to reduce the effect of infrared radiation on the human body. In the first case, they must reflect electromagnetic waves, and in the second, they must stop them and convert the radiation energy into heat with its subsequent removal. Due to the fact that protective screens should not deprive specialists of the opportunity to monitor processes occurring in production, they can be made transparent or translucent. For this, silicate or quartz glasses, as well as metal nets and chains, are chosen as materials.
  4. Thermal insulation or cooling of hot surfaces. The main purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce the risk of workers getting various burns.
  5. Personal protective equipment (various overalls, glasses with built-in light filters, shields).
  6. Preventive actions. If, in the course of the above actions, the level of exposure to infrared radiation on the body remains high enough, then an appropriate mode of work and rest should be selected.

How to protect yourself from infrared radiation?

To minimize possible harm from exposure to infrared radiation, special standards have been developed that are safe for humans. Today in our country there are special hygienic norms established by SANPINdesigned to provide a favorable microclimate in the workplace. All organizations are obliged to take measures to improve the protection of people at work.

  • Decrease in temperature and radiation intensity.
  • Particular attention is paid to monitoring the thermal state of the employee so that he does not go beyond the permissible norms. Also, attention should be paid to protecting human eyes and skin from infrared waves.
  • For safety reasons, new equipment is used, and if possible, automated production is introduced.
  • To protect against the risks posed by infrared radiation, enterprises are required to eliminate hot professions in metallurgy. Now the processes are controlled in a safe environment - in the office.
  • A location in the room is selected for this equipment to minimize the harmful effects of thermal radiation.
  • Workers are allowed to stay in the heating environment for a minimum amount of time. They are offered special screens for protection.
  • In the absence of the above protective devices, cooling screens or means capable of increasing the ventilation rate of the air must be used.
  • Workers must carry out their duties in special clothing that can protect the most vulnerable parts of the body from radiation.
  • Workers of especially dangerous professions are shown therapeutic and prophylactic measures - regular medical examinations, work and rest in favorable conditions for health.

Benefits for the human body

Infrared radiation affecting the human body leads to improved blood circulation due to vasodilation, better saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen. In addition, an increase in body temperature has an analgesic effect due to the effect of rays on the nerve endings in the skin.

It has been observed that surgical procedures performed under the influence of infrared radiation have a number of advantages:

  • pain after surgery is somewhat easier;
  • cell regeneration is faster;
  • the influence of infrared radiation on a person avoids cooling of internal organs in the case of an operation on open cavities, which reduces the risk of shock.

In patients with burns, infrared radiation makes it possible to remove necrosis, as well as perform autoplasty at an earlier stage. In addition, the duration of fever decreases, anemia and hypoproteinemia are less pronounced, and the frequency of complications decreases.

It has been proven that infrared radiation can weaken the effect of some pesticides by increasing nonspecific immunity. Many of us know about the treatment of rhinitis and some other manifestations of the common cold with blue IR lamps.

IR radiation is harmful to eyes

Warm floor Ru

Warmth for us has always meant coziness, comfort and health.

After all, since ancient times, everyone knew about the healing properties of heat, they were treated for various diseases, and they also warmed the premises.

Infrared (IR) radiation is so strong that it can burn, but you will not be able to see it.

Thermal radiation is perceptible by the human body, but it is absolutely harmless and does not pose any danger, moreover, if it is used correctly, it carries healing properties and is absolutely not like X-rays or radiation.

We always rejoice in the sun, when spring and summer comes, we bask under its infrared rays and, of course, if we do not abuse its warmth and kindness, then it is quite possible to get a charge of vigor and positive emotions from the sun, it saturates our skin with vitamin D, which is so essential for the immune system.

Scientists have calculated the circulating energy of IR, which in its existence, for example, in the Sun-Earth-Man system, has its own specific frequencies - these are IRs that fall through the Earth's atmosphere to the planet, their range is 7-14 microns.

The Earth warms up with IR radiation of 10 microns, and a person himself can emit infrared energy in the range of 3-50 microns.

If you measure the palms of a person, then the energy there will be quite high and will be 8-14 microns.

This power of radiation fluctuates for various reasons, the strongest energy of the palms is possessed by psychics who can feel warmth at a distance.

There is such a thing as "BIoresonance absorption".

It is explained by the fact that when the human body is heated with IR energy at a frequency of 9.3 microns, the body begins to absorb this energy and a tremendous effect of increasing the energy of the person himself occurs.

Cells are activated, unnecessary water will evaporate from the body, cellular structures are activated, various biochemical reactions occur in the body of each cell, various enzymes are actively produced.

This occurs at all cellular levels in the body. With such procedures, the necessary immunoglobulins are produced.

Treatment with infrared radiation is much more effective than, for example, water treatments.

Firstly, the advantage over water procedures is that there are fewer contraindications when prescribing, and secondly, the nerve endings respond to thermal radiation to a lesser extent.

Thirdly, with thermal IR, all cells of the body are activated, metabolism is restored, blood flow is accelerated, pores are opened and cleansed, sweating increases, and due to this, skin cells are restored.

IR radiation has a beneficial effect on those patients who are disturbed by spasmodic pains, who have any inflammatory processes, pain, and it is also indicated for those who have skin problems.

Metabolic metabolism is very important for our body, the influence of various troubles, diseases and disruptions on it leads to a slowdown of these processes, but if you carry out the necessary procedures using IR rays, then it will enhance metabolic processes and possibly restore the body.

As a result of useful procedures, strengthening of human immunity, tissues are saturated with oxygen, the lack of which leads to blood pressure and other malfunctions.

IR will cope with this task as well - it will reduce blood pressure, muscle tension, and calm the nervous system.

Such procedures will improve the general condition, calm the person down and ensure good sleep.

Tissues require good heating in order to rid the body of unnecessary and accumulating substances, profuse sweating relieves it of fats, toxins, toxins, and harmful acids.

IR baths help to warm up the body to the desired temperature, which will help the body get rid of excess load, take care of the skin, the main thing is to help cleanse and rejuvenate it.

There is a surge of new clean energy and a feeling of pleasant relaxation.

During the procedure, the body temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, but this is a natural process and you do not need to beware of it, the protective properties of the body are developed and thus viruses are suppressed and the body itself fights against bacteria it does not need.

If the cardiovascular activity of the body is disturbed, then taking infrared baths will help cleanse the body of unnecessary cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels and does not allow blood to circulate normally, baths help reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, making them more elastic and elastic.

The pressure when taking infrared baths is normalized and there is no effect on normal pressure, which is very important for the body and, in comparison with water baths, there is no contraindication for pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, then it will definitely decrease, but if it is the other way around, then the action will be appropriate.

IR baths restore normal blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, get rid of toxins, blood circulation is carried out through all vessels of the body, even those that were previously difficult for blood to access, capillaries are also saturated with oxygen.

Infrared heat helps to release not only the vessels from toxins and toxins, but also all organs, especially the kidneys, since during the baths there is profuse sweating, which removes harmful, accumulating substances from them.

Thanks to these procedures, swelling is reduced.

Shown infrared heat and those who have chronic problems with the respiratory tract.

Baths can be taken by those who have asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, sputum retention, and the like.

The condition of such patients improves and they feel less discomfort.

Infrared radiation helps those who have problems with the digestive organs, with stomach ulcers, under the influence of infrared rays, problems with the duodenum disappear, and the course of gastritis is facilitated.

Infrared baths help to activate the immune system, while the resistance increases and colds recede into the background, the body activates an enhanced fight against viruses, which ends with the victory of the body.

Accordingly, infrared heat treats people suffering from chronic diseases of ENT organs, infrared will relieve problems with diseases of the middle ear, throat, and cope with varying degrees of nosebleeds.

The heat of Ik has a relaxing effect on all muscles and nerve endings, it heats up deeply and is able to soothe, reaching the peripheral vessels, heals soft tissue damage.

If you have recent injuries and are still fresh, infrared baths will speed up their healing. Healing occurs in any tissue, it can be like fractures, bruises, muscle sprains, various hematomas, postoperative wounds are effectively treated only if they do not relate to wounds and implantation.

The nervous system will receive full comfort in the infrared sauna, the heat will soothe and relax you, you will get rest and comfort, nothing will disturb you during the session, various symptoms of irritation will disappear.

The feeling of pleasure arises during baths when the hormone of happiness begins to be produced in you, while it strengthens the body's strength and promotes an early improvement in the condition and increases immunity.

After taking baths you will sleep soundly and nervousness and stress will disappear.

Infrared baths give complete relaxation and a surge of internal and external new forces, as well as give the effect of rejuvenation. You can relax in it as much as possible and forget about the bustle of the city.

You will get a massage effect, relax your muscles and calm tense nerves.

Such baths help relieve stress, chronic fatigue and what always prevents us from having a good rest.

When receiving an infrared stream, you will feel an increase in body temperature by several degrees, this will be a sign that all the forces of your body have accumulated and are ready to fight various viruses and bacteria that it does not need at all.

The body completely opens its pores and under the influence of temperature it deeply cleans it from unnecessary toxins, toxins and other blockages.

Baths will relieve pain in case of arthritis, cramps, relieve you from various muscle pains in case of myositis, etc. also for women, baths will be useful for menstrual cramps, IR will soothe pain and bring the body to balance.

The muscles are completely relaxed and you are completely relaxed.

Infrared heat effectively fights cellulite.

  1. Your tissues relax, blood vessels expand, pores open and calories are burned efficiently and quickly, all this happens while you relax under the pleasant warmth of infrared rays.
  2. All unnecessary water and fats that accumulate in the body are excreted and the balance of substances and elasticity of the skin is restored. All this comes out with sweat.
  3. During IR procedures, the skin returns to normal, the vessels in the skin are activated, expand under the influence of rays, cleanse the skin of toxins.
  4. There is a process of removing dead skin cells, those pores that were previously inactive for a long time begin to "breathe".
  5. Cleansing the skin achieves such an effect that after it you can carry out cosmetic procedures.

If a woman is worried about pain during menstruation, then the IR sauna will help in this matter, the heat will relax the muscles, remove excess water, and relieve spasms. Pregnant women can also visit the sauna to relax and unwind, as well as relieve muscle tension.

The doors of the IR sauna are always open for active people who go in for sports; this is a good addition to activate all the internal forces of the body for a competition or a simple jog.

Baths help to boost the immune system, support the cardiovascular system, muscle, and so on. Preparation in an infrared sauna is what is needed for active people.

Infrared radiation has a beneficial cosmetic effect.

  • The pores are thoroughly cleansed by profuse perspiration.
  • Expanded and relaxed skin, it is cleansed of toxins and activates every cell.
  • After thermal procedures, the skin becomes firmer, rejuvenated and elastic.
  • It is so deeply cleaned that the skin may not even need scrubs.

The activation of blood circulation in the skin under the influence of penetrating infrared radiation leads to the expansion and cleansing of the pores of the skin.

Dead cells are removed, the skin becomes smooth, firm and elastic.

As a result of profuse perspiration, even those pores that have not functioned for many years open up.

The skin is cleaned, which is necessary for cosmetic procedures.

Harm to humans

It is worth noting that the harm from infrared radiation for the human body can also be very significant. The most obvious and common cases are skin burns and dermatitis. They can occur either with too long exposure to weak waves of the infrared spectrum, or during intense irradiation. If we talk about medical procedures, then rarely, but still there are heatstrokes, asthenia and exacerbation of pain with improper treatment.

Eye burns are one of the modern problems. The most dangerous for them are infrared rays with wavelengths in the range of 0.76-1.5 microns. Under their influence, the lens and aqueous humor are heated, which can lead to various disorders. Photophobia is one of the most common consequences. This is something to keep in mind for children playing with laser pointers and welders who neglect personal protective equipment.

The harm and consequences of exposure to infrared rays

Strong exposure to infrared light harms, not benefits, the membrane of the eye, if, more precisely, dries it out. This occurs in very hot places.

Strong radiation also causes skin burns. In this case, reddening of the skin occurs first. Occupational diseases of people who are often exposed to radiation in the workplace include just diseases, the symptoms of which are skin lesions. Neoplasms can also occur. The lighter consequences of harmful effects include dermatitis, which is also a difficult disease.

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Infrared rays in medicine

Treatment with infrared radiation is local and general. In the first case, a local action is carried out on a certain part of the body, and in the second case, the entire body is exposed to the action of rays.The course of treatment depends on the disease and can range from 5 to 20 sessions, 15-30 minutes each. When carrying out procedures, a prerequisite is the use of protective equipment. To preserve the health of the eyes, special cardboard covers or glasses are used.

After the first procedure, redness with indistinct boundaries appears on the surface of the skin, passing in about an hour.

medical devices with infrared rays

Infrared radiation treatment

Thus, the benefits of infrared radiation for humans are achieved through the following mechanism:

  1. The heat coming from the rays triggers and accelerates biochemical reactions.
  2. First of all, the intensification of the processes of tissue regeneration begins, the network of vessels becomes wider, and the blood flow accelerates.
  3. As a result, the growth of healthy cells becomes more and more intensive, plus everything in the body begins to independently produce biologically active substances.
  4. All this lowers blood pressure due to better blood supply, thereby achieving muscle relaxation.
  5. Easy access of white blood cells to the foci of inflammation is provided. This leads to the strengthening of the immune system and the strengthening of the protective functions of the body in the fight against various diseases.

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It is thanks to such special properties that a general strengthening effect for the body is achieved when treating with infrared rays.

During treatment, both the entire body and some of its affected part can be exposed to radiation. The procedures can be carried out up to 2 times a day, and the duration of the session is up to half an hour. The number of treatments depends on the needs of the patient. In order not to harm, during the sessions, it is imperative to protect the eyes and the area around them from the effects of radiation. For this, various methods are used.

Attention! The reddening of the skin that appears on the skin after the procedure will disappear within an hour.

Infrared emitters action

With the availability of many medical devices, people purchase them for individual use. However, it must be remembered that such devices must comply with specific requirements and be used in a safe manner. But most importantly, it is important to understand that, like any medical device, infrared emitters cannot be used for a number of diseases.
Influence of infrared radiation on the human body

Wavelength, μmUseful action
9.5 μmImmunocorrective action in immunodeficiency states caused by starvation, poisoning with carbon tetrachloride, the use of immunosuppressants. Leads to the restoration of normal parameters of the cellular link of immunity.
16.25 μmAntioxidant action. It is carried out due to the formation of free radicals from superoxides and hydroperoxides, and their recombination.
8.2 and 6.4 μmAntibacterial action and normalization of intestinal microflora due to the influence on the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones, leading to an immunomodulating effect.
22.5 μmIt leads to the translation of many insoluble compounds, such as blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, into a soluble state, allowing them to be removed from the body.

Therefore, a qualified specialist, an experienced doctor should select a course of therapy. Depending on the length of the infrared waves emitted, the devices can be used for different purposes.

What is infrared radiation

Infrared radiation is a form of heat energy. In another way, it is called "thermal radiation". It is produced by incandescent lamps, and also accounts for about half of the total radiation from the sun. This is electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength ranges from 0.74 microns to 2000 microns (which is 2 mm). It is impossible to see it with the naked eye; there are special devices for its registration.

This energy is of several types:

  • near λ = 0.74-2.5 microns;
  • average λ = 2.5-50 microns;
  • far λ = 50-2000 microns.

Part of the mid-wave infrared radiation, namely from 7 to 14 microns, has properties that can positively affect the body, since this wavelength corresponds to the natural radiation of the human body.



