Where is the best place to install a router in an apartment: placement tips

Residential, industrial, manufacturing, and other premises often become habitats for rodents. Mice and rats, having settled in the premises, cause a lot of difficulties for a person, because in addition to spoiled property, they are carriers of dangerous diseases. There are many ways to combat rodents, simple and accessible to everyone, today, but most of them either do not work at all, or give a short-term effect.

The most effective method of controlling rodents, domestic and field, is OZDS. Using a security and protective deratization system, you can quickly, easily, and most importantly, forever, get rid of uninvited rodents. What this system is, and where the OZDS is installed, let's talk further.

Convenient location and installation of sockets in the apartment

Before starting the placement of electrical equipment, it is worth determining not only a convenient place, but also thinking about the norms for installing outlets in an apartment. There are accepted standards that reflect the basic rules for installing outlets in an apartment. These codes provide general information about the location of the equipment and also describe where the installation of outlets is prohibited.

The installation standards for sockets provide not only general information about the placement of connectors, but also describe the places where their installation is prohibited.

Many are guided by a certain height value during installation. The main norms today are "Soviet standard" and "European standard".

"Soviet Standard". This standard has been familiar to people since the times of the USSR. Many people still use it to install outlets and switches in their homes. According to these recommendations, the switches are mounted at shoulder level. The distance is 160 cm from the floor. Power connectors are located at a distance of 90 cm from the floor, approximately at the height of the person's waist.

"Eurostandard". This concept appeared simultaneously with the concept of "renovation", when the popularity of new materials for decoration and more advanced technologies attracted the attention of consumers. People began to think more about how to make the premises as comfortable and functional as possible. All this led to the formation of a new standard for height, where it was clearly defined at what distance from the floor sockets and switches were installed. This distance was 30 cm for sockets and 90 cm for switches.

Where is OZDS installed?

To the question, where the OZDS is installed, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. Taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the deratization system, and its configuration, installation and use is allowed only after the development of a special project, which is drawn up taking into account all types of premises, layout, purpose, and so on. In order for the OZDS to effectively prevent the entry of rodents, and at the same time be safe for people and other animals, it is important to entrust the installation and start-up, as well as further maintenance of the equipment, to professionals. It is recommended to install a high-voltage discharge barrier where rodents appear, nest, and feed more often.

The OZDS installation site can be:

  • Local waste bin, garbage chamber.
  • Doorway at the entrance to a storage room, technical room or warehouse.
  • Tambours in the basement, technical underground.
  • Elevator shafts.
  • Switchboard room.
  • Fire exit (non-main, in the doorway).
  • Ventilation chambers.
  • Technical premises in which engineering and communication equipment is installed.

In other words, it is worth installing a security and protective deratization system where there are no people, but where there is dampness and the possibility of rodents to reproduce.

Special rules for installing sockets in the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the main areas in the house. It is worth seriously thinking about where to install the sockets in the kitchen, because there are always a lot of household appliances here. It is necessary to start the design by placing all electrical appliances in order to understand how to install the sockets in the kitchen.

The most functional are socket modules.

Important! If the kitchen does not have enough sockets in the right places, it is worth bringing them to the side surface of the lower kitchen cabinet. So, it will be easier to hide the nest with an additional hinged hinged section.

On all kinds of repair forums, you can find a lot of questions about where to install the sockets in the kitchen. The most popular ones are:

Where to install the oven socket? For built-in models in the kitchen, the place behind the wall of the adjacent cabinet will be the ideal way to arrange the outlets. Placing power plugs behind electrical appliances is prohibited for safety reasons.

Where to install the socket for the refrigerator? For the refrigeration device, the same recommendations are provided as for built-in appliances. With only one difference, the owner can choose the height of the outlet from the floor on his own.

Having presented the placement of all electrical appliances in the kitchen, you can understand where to install the sockets

What is the height of the sockets in the kitchen? Focusing on the standards of kitchen appliances and furniture, the following layout option appeared:

  • the first mark is 10 - 15 cm from the floor. At this distance, it is convenient to install sockets for the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc. This placement is optimal, since it will be easy to get close to the sockets from below.
  • the second mark is 110 - 130 cm from the floor. It is convenient to install power connectors here for electrical appliances located in the working area. You can also focus on the value of the height of the sockets from the kitchen countertop, which is 30 cm, in order to comfortably arrange small household appliances.
  • the third mark is 200 - 250 cm from the floor. This is the height of the hood for the kitchen hood.

Can double sockets be used to connect electrical appliances? Yes, but it is worth remembering that it is not permissible to connect the hob and oven using such an outlet. The voltage will be high and may affect the performance of appliances and the power connector.

The recommended height of the rosettes from the table top is 30 cm

What sockets are installed in the kitchen? For this room, the following types are relevant:

  • single;
  • double;
  • socket group or module;
  • retractable;
  • electrical boxes.

The most functional are socket modules. It may include: "signal" sockets (telephone, television, Internet); timer; a special disconnecting device that turns it off when it touches a phase contact, etc.

The most dangerous, but at the same time popular, is a retractable outlet. Many people install it solely because of the aesthetics of the look; it is "recessed" into the kitchen set. But this kind of power connector is far from safe.

Speaking of boxes, it is worth noting that the requirements for cable management are quite stringent. During installation, you must carefully follow the conventions.

Due to the aesthetics of the look, the "retractable" socket is very popular.

Installation standards and rules for the installation of automatic fire alarms

The direct installation of fire detectors is also regulated by standards, the main of which is the visual accessibility of the room for the device, that is, the absence of obstacles to fixing the detection of fire. Devices can be mounted on any surface, including equipment.Before work, the distances from the corners to the devices are measured, and the distance between the sensors themselves, for these parameters, the following values ​​are determined by the norms for installing fire alarm sensors in the room:

  • 0.1 meter for ceiling devices;
  • 0.3 meters for wall devices.

Consider. The surfaces where fire detectors are installed must be stationary. Fixation of devices on them is rigid. This will prevent possible vibrations and false alarms.

For each type of equipment, special rules apply.

The specifics of installing sockets in the bathroom to ensure safety

Can sockets be installed in the bathroom? The presence of a power connector in the bath room is essential for comfort. There are certain rules for this room, which clearly indicate where to install the sockets in the bathroom. Power connectors should be at least 60 cm from the bathroom or shower cabin. The height of the sockets in the bathroom should be such as to ensure convenient connection of electrical appliances.

Helpful advice! How to install an outlet in the bathroom, if at the initial stage it was not possible to provide a power connector for a hair dryer. Do not spoil a new renovation. The cable can be easily routed under the skirting board to the base unit to the sink. You can install the socket on a shelf or in a drawer in a drawer unit.

The bath is the wettest room in the house. Therefore, it is worth using the minimum number of outlets. In the combined bathroom, you can separately install power connectors for an electric shaver, hair dryer and similar devices. Quite often they are placed next to the sink, close to the mirror near the water. It is worth immediately determining which outlet to install in the bathroom, because it must be reliably protected from moisture. Here, a moisture-resistant model is suitable in a design that includes a protective cover.

The height of the sockets from the floor in the bathroom should be as comfortable as possible for a person. Therefore, when determining it, it is worth focusing on the individual needs of family members. In advance, you need to choose a place where to install the outlet for the washing machine. It depends on how convenient it will be to use it.

Since the bathroom is the wettest room in the house, it is necessary to install the minimum number of outlets here.

What to consider when choosing the right location

Photo 3

When installing the device in the circuit, the following is taken into account:

  • correct orientation (indicated in the instructions, horizontally or vertically);
  • correct strapping (correctly selected set of additional devices);
  • if present two or more branches, then the best option is to install a separate pump for each (in this case, it is possible to immediately reach an equal temperature in the premises for each branch and more economically consume fuel).

Where is it better to install: supply or return

Professionals recommend placing the pump in front of the first branch of the circuit. The device is designed for the temperature of the pumped liquid up to 115 ° С, therefore, the choice of a supply or return pipe is not critical.

This is significant when installed in a system with a steam boiler, since the coolant at the outlet has a temperature above 100 ° C, which is unacceptable. On the return pipe, the temperature is set within the normal range.

Return the only option for boilers solid fuel with the exception of systems with automated control.

Important! Boilers without automation often overheat the coolant to boiling, therefore, steam enters the pump installed in the supply. This leads to an almost complete stop of fluid movement along the circuit and an emergency, even explosion.

The return pump may also be full. ferry, but in this case, the response time of the safety valve increases, which can solve the problem and avoid misfortune.

Different ways to install sockets in the living room and bedroom

For the hall or living room, there are 4 optimal solutions for the placement of power connectors:

  1. Next to the doorway. This place is convenient for connecting small electrical appliances. According to the norms, the outlet should be located 10 cm from the door and 30 cm from the floor.
  2. TV zone. You can place the connector both behind the TV and near it on the wall.
  3. Sofa area. Here it is necessary to take into account that you will need sockets for recharging phones, laptops, air conditioners and other home appliances.
  4. Desktop area. Quite often, the living room is used as a study. In this case, it is worth providing additional sockets for desktop lighting, a computer or laptop.

In the bedroom, power connectors are also located in several zones, into which the room is conditionally divided. Primarily near the bed or bedside tables on both sides. This makes it easy to use electricity next to the sleeping place.

Install a TV outlet if available in the room. For a desk, which may be in the bedroom, you will also need a connector. And do not forget about doorways, near which it is convenient to place sockets for various electrical appliances, for example, a vacuum cleaner.

Sockets near doorways are very convenient for connecting a vacuum cleaner

Installation of manual call points

Hand-held models are human-operated and autonomously detect fires. The rules for installing this security and fire alarm depend not so much on the type of device as on the characteristics of a particular room:

  • they are mounted on supporting structures at a height of 1.4 to 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • the installation sites should be as far away as possible from magnets of any nature and electrical equipment to avoid the risks of failure when activating the devices;
  • in cable structures, devices are placed at the entrances and branches, access to them must be completely free;
  • The rules for installing manual fire detectors prescribe the following placement of devices in places with maximum traffic: on stairs, in halls, in corridors at entrances.

Handheld device

Is it worth installing sockets in the hallway

Any apartment layout is not complete without a hallway. After all, it is in it that the person who enters the house falls. In this room, it is also important to correctly position the outlets. Usually, two outlets are enough for a hallway. Apart from drying shoes and connecting a doorbell, they are unlikely to be useful for anything.

Each apartment is as individual as any person. Therefore, it is worth considering how to install sockets in an apartment, having sketched out the project of each room in advance. A separate plan for the location of the planned electrical appliances that will be in the house will help to calculate the required number of power connectors.

Helpful advice! It is worth installing a few extra outlets to avoid the use of extension cords.

Where can the distribution box be installed?

- On open air.

The shield should be in a well-ventilated area. Natural ventilation is preferable to forced ventilation. The latter, in the event of a power outage in the house, stops working, which can create certain problems.

- Away from combustible materials.

The switchboard must not be installed in fire hazardous areas. Namely: in boiler rooms, in the immediate vicinity of gas tanks and in other places where flammable substances are available.

- In easy access.

The panel room should in no case be a warehouse of unnecessary things.Try to provide easy access to the flap. Otherwise, you will not be able to quickly de-energize the network in the event of an emergency.

- In the light.

If possible, provide access to natural light in the room where the shield is installed so that the master can troubleshoot the switchgear without resorting to the use of flashlights.

The number of shields in the house depends on its area, as well as on the complexity of the power supply wiring.

Where to install the sockets: rules and order of installation

It is quite common for many men to deal with the placement or repair of outlets in the house. It seems that in this work everything is simple, but in reality everything is different. A person thinks not only about what sockets to install in the apartment, but also about the safety rules and the procedure for installing devices.

Any work with electrical installations in the apartment must be carried out only with the power supply disconnected.

In order to properly install the power connectors, you should have basic knowledge. This will save you from further problems and will be the key to the long-term operation of the device.

General safety rules when installing an outlet

When installing switchgear, all safety rules must be observed. And also next to the master is always obliged, there is a person who monitors his actions and is ready to provide assistance in the event of an electric shock.

For self-installation of the outlet, it is worth remembering a number of rules:

  1. All work with electrical installations in the apartment should be carried out with the power supply disconnected. This includes wall chasing and wiring.
  2. During operation, it is worth remembering that even with the power off, voltage may appear on the driving parts. Therefore, it is so important to check each wire before connecting.
  3. Sockets and switches are installed without touching bare wires.
  4. It must be remembered that in the event of an electric shock, everything will depend on the reaction speed of the observing person.

Both sockets and switches must be installed without touching bare wires.

It is important not to forget about accumulation of dirt in the device. Constant cleaning is very difficult, and for outlets located on the lower level, this issue is extremely relevant. Being below, they will get dirty all the time. Sockets with covers can be a budget way out of the situation. And for lovers of aesthetics, you can use recessed socket models.

Installation of a light board and siren

At large-scale facilities, it is advisable to use a set of technical means of fire safety, including sirens and light boards. The places where such a fire alarm is installed have their own rules and regulations. For light boards and information signs it is recommended:

  • well-visible places with normal lighting that does not interfere with the perception of information;
  • plates are installed in the field of view of people;
  • the distance between the indicators of the direction of evacuation should not exceed 60 meters.

Sign Exit

Sirens can be used both inside and outside the building. The devices are located not less than 2.3 meters from the floor, and not closer than 0.15 meters from the ceiling. The same requirements apply to devices that are manually operated. Installation of light, sound and voice annunciators should be carried out on supporting structures.

Thermal fire detectors Bolid proved to be excellent at guarding fire safety. These optical-electronic devices have helped prevent serious fires on many occasions.

Useful tips for installing an outlet in your home

  1. Determine the exact arrangement of furniture.
  2. Mark all the sockets on the electronics plan.
  3. The correct location of switches and sockets depends on the direction of opening the door.
  4. In places where the presence of furniture or household appliances is not determined, it is worth installing power connectors at a height of 30 cm from the floor.
  5. It is worth placing 1-2 sockets more than necessary according to the calculation.

Important! If the area of ​​the room is quite large, then you need to take care of the sockets at the beginning of the room and in its far corner. This will make it much easier to vacuum clean without stretching the wire.

The process of designing the location of the outlets is very complex. To create it, you will need to correctly arrange furniture and household appliances around the apartment. Consider the convenience of the location of the power connectors and calculate their required number. When installing, you should still use the services of a specialist who will do the job efficiently.

Safety measures during installation

Fig. 3 Supports for piping and valves

In the process of installing locking valves, it is important to prevent the appearance of bends, stretching, twisting of the tube. For this purpose, supports are pre-installed under both sides of the pipeline.

When installing a flange mount, it is important to maintain parallelism between the flanges on the valve and the pipe. The presence of any distortions is unacceptable. If there are any, then the situation should not be corrected by intensively tightening the bolted connection or using additional gaskets.

In the presence of temperature fluctuations (internal or external), as well as when working on a pipeline with a diameter of more than 100 mm, the installation sites of the valves should be reinforced with supports or an expansion joint should be used, which will help prevent deformation or displacement.

Where should the air conditioner be installed?

How to properly install an air conditioner in an apartment? Where should he be? Consider some rules for installing equipment:

  1. The air flow of the installed device must not be directed towards people. When the device is operating in the mode of supplying cold air (its temperature can reach up to 15 ° C), falling directly on a person can lead to his illness, for example, sore throat. And the consequences may not be at all joyful. As a rule, in the office, the flow is directed to the place where people are the least of the time or in the interval of work places. If there is nowhere to hang the air conditioner in the bedroom except above the bed, in this case, it is better to define it above the head so that the air flow is directed to the legs.
  2. The internal block of the system must be located so that it does not spoil the interior. It is not recommended to hang devices in front of the entrance to the room.
  3. Height. How high should the air conditioner be installed? Install the unit so that there is at least 10 cm of space between the wall equipment and the ceiling.
    Correct location of the air conditioner
  4. Do not install the device over a chest of drawers or cabinet if the distance that is maintained between them is less than the limits of 70 - 100 cm. This is important for the reasons that when the air conditioner is turned on, all dust accumulated on the cabinet will be blown off to the floor. Plus, the approximately horizontal surface of the plane will contribute to the creation of an air cycle, which, in turn, will lead to a drop in the efficiency of the split system. The fact is that the cold air flow will fall back into the air intake, and the air conditioner (taking in cold air and "realizing" that the room has cooled down and its work is not needed) will gradually stop working. The air temperature sensor in air conditioners is installed at the outlet of the air flow.
  5. The length of the equipment route should be as short as possible. The longer the route, the more expensive the cost of installing the air conditioner and the lower the efficiency of the device.

Sun, dust and moisture

All stabilizers are prohibited from direct sunlight and any precipitation (snow, raindrops). Therefore, do not place them on the wall directly opposite the window.

Dusty utility rooms are also prohibited due to the fact that dust is a conductive element, and the stabilizer, during its operation, simply attracts dust like a vacuum cleaner. That will eventually lead to its failure.High humidity is also harmful to stabilizers.



