ROCKWOOL Specifications Material Overview

Types of Izospan vapor barrier and their scope

Several types of insulating products are produced under this brand. Their use guarantees high-quality protection of buildings and houses from moisture, prolongation of their operation time, protection of building elements from the appearance of mold and mildew. The following types of insulation materials of this brand are currently on sale:

There is also a special product Izospan AM - a film-membrane, which is additionally reinforced with materials of increased strength. The latter are designed to protect the films from mechanical stress. Izospan AM is mounted on ventilation gaps or on an insulating material and perfectly protects the insulation from the effects of weathering and the risk of condensation.

Materials specially produced for thermal insulation of a bath ↑

For competent and safe thermal insulation of bath rooms, it is advisable to choose insulating materials that are non-toxic, non-combustible and can withstand prolonged exposure to heat and moisture. These are considered new foil insulation, which have their own application characteristics, but also differ in certain obvious advantages.

The scheme of thermal insulation of the bath from the inside with the help of modern heaters

The use of foil-clad insulation for the walls of the bath from the inside is a simultaneous solution of two problems: insulation and vapor barrier, because steam that has settled on the surface of the foil in the form of condensation flows from it and the glass wool becomes reliably protected from water. No need to lay a separate vapor barrier - this saves time and labor for the construction or repair of the bath.

Key features of Izospan A and B films and membranes

The technical characteristics of the described types of thermal insulation differ from each other. For example, Izospan B has the following operational parameters:

  • punching strength - 110 units;
  • density per square meter - 72 g;
  • breaking load - 108 (transverse) and 103 (longitudinal) N / cm;
  • water resistance - 1000 mm water column;
  • vapor permeability resistance (per 1 mg) - 7 m2 * hour * Pa.

Izospan B, as we have already noted, is used only in situations where the insulation material is mounted inside rooms and premises. The "pie" of the roof in this case (if a vapor barrier film of grade B is used) looks like this:

  • roof covering;
  • Izospan A;
  • rails for the ventilated gap device and fasteners;
  • Izospan B;
  • legs (rafters);
  • finishing materials inside the room.

Izospan B is used in most cases to protect the roof. It creates an excellent vapor barrier that protects the insulation from water penetration.

Effective vapor-tight barriers for arranging the roof, attic and basement tiers are also created with the help of Izospan A. The technical characteristics of this film are as follows:

  • punching strength - 310 units;
  • material density per square meter - 110 g;
  • breaking load - not less than 210 N / cm.

The advantages of products under the brand A include:

  • good manufacturability (the material is not jammed during installation, does not break and is simply cut with ordinary construction tools);
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • increased tensile strength (mechanical) and bursting shear;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • fire safety (a substance is added to the material, which, when ignited, triggers the self-extinguishing mechanism of the membrane).

Table of technical characteristics and prices for Rockwool insulation.

Density (types, separated by commas), kg / m33035-37451251004014550, 80, 10590, 110115, 135, 160, 190
Thermal conductivity, W / (m K), λ100,036
Thermal conductivity, W / (m K), λA0,042
Thermal conductivity, W / (m K), λB0,045
Peel strength of layers, KPafrom 4 to 15 depending on the type of insulation *
Compressive strength at 10% deformation, KPafrom 20 to 65 depending on the type of insulation *
Water vapor permeability, mg / m h Pa0,3
Water absorption, no more than kg / m²1
Service life, more than 50 yearsYes
Insulate construction types:
frame walls++
floors between floors++
overlap on lags+
floors between floors, under a cement screed+
fireplaces, stoves, high temperature equipment+++
piping systems, air ducts++
walls in steam rooms, saunas, baths+
building facades+
vertical and horizontal surfaces+
Price per package, rub (thickness 50 mm)4755987337612781 (30mm)6827961230925955

* — you can always find out detailed information and current prices in Rockwool product catalog.

Installation of insulating materials - basic rules

Each Izospan brand has its own instructions for use and direct installation. In this case, it is always necessary to comply with the general standards for carrying out work on the vapor barrier of the roof and other elements of buildings. They are listed below:

    The vapor barrier film is installed indoors. In some cases, it is allowed to install it additionally from the outside of the building (in areas where frosts of more than –25 ° C are often noted). The additional outer layer of Izospan is never installed when arranging the roof.

An important point! On the surface of the wall or roof, a "skeleton" made of a wooden or steel profile is installed in advance, and only then Izospan is placed on top. The vapor barrier sheets are fastened to the frame by means of universal self-tapping screws. When using them, you need to be very careful - the integrity of the membranes should not be violated.

When performing external insulation, the Izospan installation instructions require that the films be applied twice:

  • before carrying out work on the insulation of the roof (other design);
  • after the installation of the heat insulator has been completed.

This results in an excellent performance vapor barrier system, consisting of three layers.

Features of wall insulation from the inside

The need to insulate the walls from the inside usually arises when performing repair work or in cases where the preferences of the owners in terms of the appearance of the house do not allow implementing the scheme for insulating the walls from the outside.

The device for insulating walls from the inside is, in principle, similar to the already considered wall insulation from the outside, but there are some peculiarities. First of all, when insulating from the inside, it is imperative to use a vapor barrier; it will be optimal to use a diffusion membrane as a vapor barrier. The Tyvek VCL vapor barrier can be recommended for this purpose. This membrane is laid directly on the insulation without a ventilation gap, in addition, it has optimal vapor permeability.

Installation Izospan V - instructions and important tips for use

Vapor barrier marked B is considered to be very popular in the installation of the roof, as well as walls. This vapor barrier material consists of rough and smooth layers. It extends the operating time of various buildings and perfectly preserves their heat-insulating characteristics, does not allow crumbling insulation particles to penetrate into the building elements, and prevents the development of corrosion in the building frame.

Instructions for use Izospan B requires the installation of films on the rough sheathing or on the inside of the insulation material used.

Membranes are most often fastened with galvanized nails; it is also allowed to use a construction stapler.

On sloping roofs and walls, Izospan is mounted with horizontal panels from bottom to top.They are overlapped (do not forget about the obligatory overlap of the sheets by the required amount). If the structure is finished with plasterboard products, the film is fixed with galvanized profiles. But when using decorative panels, plywood, lining as finishing materials, it is recommended to fasten Izospan with wooden antiseptic slats with dimensions of 50x30 mm.

When a room is vaporized from the inside, the finishing must be attached to galvanized metal profiles or a frame made of strips. In this case, a gap (ventilation) of about 30-50 mm should be maintained. Experts, in addition, advise to interconnect Izospan sheets and additionally attach them to penetrating (roof antennas, ventilation and chimneys) and enclosing (floors, walls) structures. For these purposes, it is best to use the Izospan SL tape connector.

When equipping basement and attic floors with any insulating materials, Izospan under the B brand should be placed on a black ceiling or floor between beams or logs. In this case, the rough side of the films must be located outward. It is recommended to fasten the vapor barrier with wooden slats and a stapler. The scheme of work is as follows:

  • lay out (as tightly as possible) the insulation between the beams or logs;
  • roll the top layer of the film across the lags (beams);
  • fix the vapor barrier.

In buildings with an outer layer of insulation, the described vapor barrier material is installed with the rough side inward on the inner surface of the structure. If you are installing Izospan on block or brick walls, be sure to use the tape marked SL. And then fix the film with profiles (galvanized) or wood counter-rails, intended for the installation of internal cladding.

Warming school

What should you look for when choosing a floor insulation?

- Coefficient of thermal conductivity. The smaller it is, the smaller the insulation layer is needed: modern heaters have a thermal conductivity coefficient of no more than 0.05 W / (m · K).
- Fire safety. Choose non-combustible insulation. For example, stone wool, which has the fire resistance of stone, can withstand temperatures up to 1000 ° C.

- Vapor permeability and hydrophobicity. The insulation must pass water vapor well so that the structure "breathes", but at the same time it does not absorb or retain moisture. Unlike foams (materials with closed porosity), stone wool allows steam to pass well, allows the structure to "breathe", but at the same time does not absorb or retain moisture.

- Health safety. Choose natural materials that are eco-certified and labeled on the packaging.

- Durability. Once completed, stone wool insulation will retain its properties for the entire service life of the building (at least 50 years).

- Functionality... Choose insulation for a specific floor type. In a cottage, the floor is laid either above the basement along the logs, or directly on the ground. The main task of floor insulation in apartments is sound insulation.

Advice: Different types of floors have their own characteristics, and the insulation for them must be suitable for specific conditions. For example, the insulation for a floor above a cold basement should be at least 100 mm thick. The thickness of the insulation can be calculated using the online calculator on the ROCKWOOL website.

insulation, rockwool

Thermal insulation of the floor along the logs

When laying on logs, the thermal insulation does not experience stress, so you can use lightweight insulation.

Wooden beams (logs) are laid on the supporting beams, and floor boards are laid on them. Thermal insulation is located between the logs, from below it is sheathed with boards.Convenient for installation are special stone wool slabs with a springy edge (Flexy technology) for frame structures, for example slabs SCANDIC or LIGHT BATTS EXTRA manufactured by the ROCKWOOL company.

Standard sizes:

- 800 x 600 mm (50 and 100 mm thick) for transportation in passenger cars;

- 1200 x 600 mm (100 and 150 mm thick) for transportation in large vehicles. The thickness of 150 mm allows the installation of thermal insulation quickly and efficiently. Products do not need to be cut and fine-tuned if the frame fits. The distance between the lags is made slightly less than the dimensions of the slab, therefore, after insertion, it fits snugly to the lags.

For the vapor barrier device, a special vapor barrier film is rolled out with an overlap of at least 100 mm, after which the seams are glued with a special tape or tape to ensure tightness. Above this layer, it is recommended to provide an air gap.

Laying the floor on the ground

Thermal insulation along the ground is subject to stress, therefore it is necessary to use materials with high compressive strength. In particular, rigid stone wool slabs can be used. FLOR BATTS size 1000 by 600 mm. The thermal conductivity coefficient of FLOR BATTS is only 0.038 W / m - particle boards.

Sand or gravel backfill is laid on the leveled base. Next, they arrange concrete preparation, then a layer of waterproofing made of rolled bituminous or bitumen-polymer material, insulation is already laid on this layer, on top - a concrete screed, on top of which is a floor covering.

An important advantage of both FLOR BATTS and SCANDIC is ease of use.

Advice: There are QR codes on the ROCKWOOL product packs, after reading them, you can watch the video instructions for installing the insulation without leaving the store shelf.

Insulation of the floor above the cold basement

Such a floor is usually arranged on wooden logs. Quite often, the basement of the house is insulated during operation; in this case, the wooden floor can not be disassembled. Wooden bars are mounted with a step corresponding to the size of the insulation plates, which are installed in a spacer between the bars, fixed with wooden slats or mesh and sheathed with boards. To insulate the reinforced concrete floors, rigid stone wool slabs are attached from the basement side.

Acoustic flooring technology

The main feature of the acoustic "floating" floor is the absence of a rigid connection with the base and walls. It dampens noise well (especially structural noise), so it is often installed in apartments to isolate interfloor ceilings. With high rigidity, ROCKWOOL FLOR BATTS boards have excellent sound insulation properties, which combine thermal and acoustic insulation.

If the loads that the floor and topcoat will carry are light, use plywood and other wood-based materials. A large load will require a self-leveling screed from ready-made dry mixes or self-leveling finishing mixes. After complete drying, such a screed will shrink, so you need to make expansion joints. In dry rooms, a plaster screed is convenient, it does not shrink and is well leveled.

With such a heater, work will not be difficult. Cut the side strips and lay them along the walls. Installation of gaskets and insulation plates is carried out in parallel: first, gaskets are installed, and then they are pressed with FLOR BATTS plates. After that, the sheets of plywood screed are laid in two layers so that the seams between the sheets of layers do not coincide, and fastened with self-tapping screws.With a cement screed, an additional layer of polyethylene film is laid on top of the insulation boards. After the installation of the screed, the protruding insulating gaskets are cut and the laying of the final floor covering is started.

Although floor insulation includes several stages and requires careful work, this task can be coped with without being a professional builder. For example, available step-by-step instructions for floor insulation are given in the videos “ROCKWOOL insulation school»On the company's YouTube channel.

ROCKWOOL insulation school
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Rockwool vapor barrier is a competitor to Izospan

Also, products under the ROCKWOOL brand can be used to protect building elements from moisture and condensation. This material is suitable for vapor barrier walls, roofs and ceilings. It is a material with two layers:

  1. Polypropylene non-woven fabric.
  2. A layer of laminated material made from polyethylene or polypropylene by hot melt method.

Rockwool also has two sides - rough and smooth. The first of them ensures high-quality retention of condensate and guarantees its rapid evaporation. This two-layer material limits the volume of water vapor passing through the structure to be protected. Due to this, their durability increases, and an ideal humidity regime is always present in the premises.

Rockwool vapor barrier features:

  • water resistance - 1000 mm of water. Art .;
  • density (surface) - 67–74 g / m2;
  • the value of vapor permeability per day is not higher than 19 g / m2.

Rockwool is sold in rolls, designed for structures of 70 or 30 square meters. The roll width is standard and is 160 cm. Installation of the ROCKWOOL vapor barrier is carried out according to the same standards as Izospan.

Rockwool Scandic and Standard

Both materials from the same company are widely used and have a lot of advantages. However, they differ in several properties.

CharacteristicRockwool ScandicRockwool Standard
Compressibility30 %60 %
PackagingCompact sealed blocksPlastic wrap
Dimensions (edit)800-1200 mm1000 mm
Thickness50-200 mm50-100 mm
ApplicationDoesn't take a lot of stressFor unloaded structures
Availability of XL modificationsthere isnot

Both heaters do an excellent job of their tasks, so the demand for the material is increasing every year.

Which side do you need to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation

Which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation on the ceiling, wall or floor is very important to know when working on insulation. It only at first glance seems that which side to lay the vapor barrier to the wall insulation does not matter, but in fact it is not. We will tell in this material what a vapor barrier is needed for, its purpose. Watch the video - which side to lay the vapor barrier on, how to distinguish the inside of the vapor barrier from the outside.

The need arises very often in high-quality thermal insulation of premises. If you plan to insulate a wooden house with your own hands, then there are many questions about how to do this correctly. And one of the important questions concerns the need to use a vapor barrier, the place of the film in the heat-insulating "pie" and which side to put the vapor barrier to the insulation on the wall.


  • Bath insulation from the inside
  • Wooden bath
  • Brick bath
  • Bath from blocks
  • What characteristics are needed for materials to insulate a bath
  • Mezhventsovy heaters made of natural materials
  • Styrofoam, expanded polystyrene
  • Basalt wool
  • Materials specially produced for thermal insulation of a bath
  • Insulation ISOVER Sauna
  • Specialist advice for the installation of foil insulation
  • Insulation Rockwool light batts scandic
  • Video: What materials are used to insulate the bath from the inside

If the bathhouse is built with cladding, it is insulated exclusively from the inside. If the log house does not imply sheathing, the ceiling is insulated and vaporized

We have already written in separate articles that the internal insulation of walls and ceilings has its own nuances and is generally not recommended by experts for a number of good reasons. But this applies to living quarters. Bath is a separate category.

Why do you need a vapor barrier insulation

Vapor barrier in the case of using moisture-absorbing heaters is always necessary. The fact is that the characteristics of mineral wool are such that the material installed on the inside of the wall is in contact with warm air, which contains water vapor. In the absence of a hydro-barrier, moisture penetrates the thermal insulation layer on the floor, where it condenses, turning into water.

As a result of humidification, the thermal insulation properties of the mineral wool material are reduced, in addition, mold and mildew may appear in a humid environment. If the vapor barrier under the insulation on the wall is correctly laid, then it becomes an obstacle to moisture. Therefore, the thermal insulation device requires the installation of a vapor barrier between the warm air of the room and the insulation.

Advantages of wall insulation outside

1. First of all, insulation from the outside will ensure a long service life of the wall as a building envelope, because with the correct choice of insulation thickness, the dew point will always be outside the wall, in the insulation, thus the supporting structure will be free from seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations.

2. Such a choice of a wall insulation scheme will allow observing the principle of stepped vapor permeability, according to which layers of enclosing structures with low vapor permeability should be on the inside of the structure, and layers with high vapor permeability - outside. Thanks to this, the very possibility of condensation of water vapor in the structural elements is reduced to a minimum, since there will be no obstacles to the diffusion of vapor from the room into the atmosphere.

3. Insulation of the walls from the outside will preserve the internal space.

4. If the house is wooden, then such a choice of wall insulation scheme will allow using the natural texture of wood as the basis for the decor of the room.

Types of vapor barrier for insulation

Among the modern materials for hydro- and vapor barrier presented today on the construction market, three main types can be distinguished:

Film refers to deaf vapor barriers that do not allow moisture to pass through themselves. The main advantage of plastic wrap is its low price. Two-layer steam-condensate films are also produced - they are smooth on the inside and rough on the outside. The water droplets do not pass through the film, but are retained.

Diffusion membrane - vapor barrier with limited vapor permeability, consisting of non-woven polypropylene and polymer film. It has an outer and inner side (see video), which allows steam to pass through in the optimal amount. Water vapor in the insulation does not linger, but evaporates quickly.

Vapor barrier membrane (energy saving) film has a metallized outer layer that is resistant to high temperatures. The material is more often used when insulating the walls of baths and saunas, because the material additionally reflects infrared radiation (works like foil-clad penofol).

If the glass wool during installation is not protected with a vapor barrier, then as moisture is absorbed, the thermal conductivity of the material will increase.

Roll waterproofing - used to protect building structures from moisture. When using this material, it does not depend on which side to lay the waterproofing to the insulation, since the rolled and coated waterproofing Technonikol does not allow moisture to pass in both directions.

Mezhventsovy heaters made of natural materials

In Russia, it was customary to caulk log cabins. This was more related to houses (baths were often not insulated at all.). Fibrous materials such as tow, moss, felt were tightly hammered between the logs. Until now, this proven old-fashioned way is used with might and main. True, they often use a modern type of mezhventsovy heaters - jute. Jute fibers are a purely natural material, environmentally friendly, without any "chemistry". It does not emit odors when heated, and modern flame retardant impregnations give it fire-fighting properties.

To insulate a bath from a bar, mezhventsovye heaters are widely used, for example, from jute

Is it necessary to give antiseptic properties to tow using special impregnations like Neomid?

Tow is divided into three types: jute, linseed, hemp. Of all, it is jute that is considered the most resistant to excessive moisture, it is less susceptible to destruction from putrefactive processes than others. It is appropriate to treat the inter-wall spaces of the log house with Neomid 440 impregnation before laying. If you carry out fire protection measures, it is better to use Neomid 450. As for linen tow, it must be additionally antiseptic before use - in order to protect the frame from the harmful effects of fungi and insects that settle in fiber structures for the winter.

The use of jute for thermal insulation provides good air exchange and helps to keep warm. If you go through all the joints thoroughly, you can get a noticeable result. Jute is an excellent insulation from the number of mezhventsovnyh, but it, like all others from natural, has drawbacks that must be taken into account:

  1. All natural fibers attract insects and birds. In the spaces between the crowns, bugs settle, gradually eating the fibers, and the birds take away the moss for their nests. So after a few years the insulation may “disappear” imperceptibly.
  2. Sensitive to moisture. Before work, natural material must be dried well. Otherwise, if water remains between the logs, the thermal insulation will soon rot, and then the whole frame will deteriorate.
  3. Duration of the process. All manipulations with fibrous materials will take a long time.
  4. Fire hazard. Materials in their pure form burn and smolder unhindered. So it is advisable to apply them after treatment with fire retardants.

You can use combined products: the so-called flax, jute felt, pine or spruce wood in fluff. These materials are produced industrially, in rolls, pre-impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants. Such mezhventsovy heaters will last much more efficiently and longer.

Which side to lay the vapor barrier to the insulation

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated - fix the waterproofing film on top of the insulation from the side of the warm room and you're done. However, in this case, there are some important nuances that you need to know about. It is also important to consider which side of the vapor barrier is laid to the insulation on the ceiling and what are the installation features. This is where the knowledge gained earlier about the types of film used will come in handy.

How to distinguish the inside from the outside

If the manufacturer's instructions are absent or does not contain the necessary information about which side of the film is considered internal, then you should independently determine this by external factors. You should pay attention to the following points:

1... If the waterproofing film has different colors on both sides, then bright side isospana fits to the insulation; 2. Side waterproofing, which when rolling facing the floor, considered internal and should look towards the insulation; 3. The outer side is made fleecyto keep moisture out, and the inner side is smooth and fits in the direction of the insulation.

Which side to put the vapor barrier on the insulation

The polyethylene film is laid on either side, becausethey are not different from each other. The diffusion membrane (steam condensate film) is correctly laid with the smooth side on the insulation, and the rough side in the direction of the warm room. Thus, it prevents the insulation on the ceiling or wall from getting wet, and excess moisture from the material can freely pass through the smooth side.

Also, diffusion membranes are mounted with the smooth side to the insulation on the floor or wall. Foil-sided vapor barriers are attached with the reflective side outward, as it reflects heat back towards the warm room. And it should be remembered that laying vapor-proof materials, for example, isospan c, requires a ventilation gap to remove excess moisture.

If the inner lining (false wall) is made close to each other without a gap, then it will be exposed to the influence of moisture deposited on the film. If there is a gap, the movement of air will facilitate the unhindered evaporation of excess condensate from the surface of the film. It is important not only to know isospan in which side to put the insulation, but also to preserve the integrity of the vapor barrier itself.

What characteristics are needed for materials to insulate a bath

First of all, a heater for baths must withstand rather extreme operating conditions without losing its properties. The atmosphere in the bath with its high humidity, frequent temperature changes, overheating negatively affects most insulation materials.

When choosing materials for warming a bath, we pay attention to their following properties:

  • Moisture resistance... The moisture-absorbing material will require a complete replacement of the thermal insulation in the next 2 years. The material should not deform from constant contact with water. Despite the vapor barrier, condensation can accumulate between the structural layers.
  • Harmlessness... The material for warming the bath should not contain all sorts of toxic components. It must be remembered that some of its constituent substances can decompose with heating. Escaping vapors can also be hazardous.
  • Sustainability to temperature extremes. It is important for the insulation of humid rooms such as a bath to withstand multiple changes in temperature and humidity without losing performance.
  • Fire resistance... Ideally, the insulation is non-combustible or at least self-extinguishing. Bath is a fire hazardous place. In the event of ignition during heating and an open flame, one of the visits to the steam room may be the last.
  • Heat insulating parameters... The better the insulation retains heat, the less it will be required for construction.
  • Chemical inertness... It is necessary that the insulation layer does not enter into chemical reactions with other building materials or violate their original structure.
  • Biological resistance... Bath conditions such as humidity and heat are ideal for the growth of mold and all kinds of fungi. A number of modern insulation materials are not susceptible to contamination with spores.
  • Tightness... Of course, we cannot achieve complete sealing of the heat-insulating layer, but the fewer joints it has, the better the insulation will be.
  • Elasticity, property to keep the given shape for a long time. This quality will allow you not to mount the frame on log buildings.

Today's manufacturers of materials for insulation (including baths) represent a wide range and price range.

In each specific case, for the buyer, the best will be the one with the technical characteristics at a high level, and the price is affordable. And since there is no perfect material, let's talk about each in more detail in terms of their pros and cons.

Vapor barrier rockwool which side to lay - rockwool waterproofing

Supply of building materials

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You may need

    In the basket:
  1. the main
  2. Catalog
  3. Insulation materials
  4. Vapor barrier for roofs, walls, ceilings

"ROCKWOOL® vapor barrier for roofs, walls, ceilings" - a two-layer material of non-woven polypropylene fabric laminated with a layer of hot melt polypropylene and / or polyethylene

The material has a two-layer structure: one side is smooth, the other - with a rough surface to retain condensate drops and their subsequent evaporation.


It is used in frame structures for the insulation of pitched roofs, walls and ceilings, as well as for internal insulation.

Installed on the warm side of the insulation with a smooth surface to it.

It is recommended to leave an air gap of at least 1 cm between the vapor barrier and the interior decoration.

"ROCKWOOL® vapor barrier for roofs, walls, ceilings" allows to reduce heat loss, provides a comfortable humidity regime in rooms and prolongs the service life of the entire structure.


Water resistance, mm of water Art., not less1000
Water vapor permeability, g / (m2 * 24 hours), not less19
Resistance to vapor permeation, m2 * h * Pa / mg, not less7,0


"ROCKWOOL® vapor barrier for roofs, walls, ceilings" is rolled up and packed in plastic wrap.

Two types of packaging are produced - a roll with a total area of ​​70 m² and 30 m²

Roll length - 43.75 m or 18.75 m, respectively.

Roll width - 1.60 m



  1. Internal cladding;
  2. Air gap (


  1. Internal cladding;
  2. Counter grill;
  3. Air gap (

Calculation of the required quantity and thickness

Calculation of the amount of insulation

When organizing the insulation of buildings, it is imperative to calculate the number of mats that will be required for airtight cladding. Not least is the thickness of Rockwool insulation. When calculating, they are guided by the following components:

  1. climatic conditions;
  2. required indoor temperature;
  3. type of premises: house, apartment, room, basement;
  4. the height and length of the walls.

It is mandatory to indicate whether the structure has additional layers: concrete floors, beams or blocks.

If it is necessary to insulate an area of ​​90 sq. m in Crimea, where the climate is rather mild and warm, the volume of material should be 13.5 cubic meters. Be sure to use a stock of 1-1.5 cubic meters.

Insulation Rockwool Venti Butts

Stone wool Venti Butts - thermal insulation material from the manufacturer Rockwool. Insulation is made on the basis of basalt or marl fiber, it is characterized by hydrophobized properties. These are slabs with a porous structure formed by numerous microvoids filled with air. Heat insulator Rockwool Venti Butts with special synthetic additives has water-repellent properties, which makes it possible to use the material for protecting facades and insulating "wet" rooms.

Why choose "Rockwool"

Mineral wool has been awarded the EcoMaterialGreen safety label, which speaks of environmental friendliness. Thermal insulation can be used in buildings for any purpose, even for insulating children's rooms. The products have a positive energy balance.

This indicates that the energy saved exceeds the energy cost of production. Consumers also love durability. It is provided with a special structure that guarantees shape stability and rigidity. You can not be afraid of deformation of the plates, which do not shrink during the entire service life.

Buyers especially emphasize that rock wool does an excellent job of keeping warm. It has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. The material can be compared to a wall made of timber. The same amount of heat will pass through a 100 mm layer of insulation and a 440 mm layer of timber. These parameters can be compared with brickwork, the thickness of which reaches 1960 mm.


