Structural diagram of low pressure PPU installations

In the modern market of thermal insulation materials, the most affordable and effective is penoizol. With a low cost price and an increasing demand for thermal insulation, this material is at the forefront of thermal insulation in the finishing of buildings and structures.

The latest technologies for the conservation of energy, heat, light and other benefits of civilization are becoming increasingly popular in almost all areas of human life. To a greater extent, this can be attributed to the construction industry.

The use of simple, affordable and safe technologies in the construction of buildings reduces construction time, housing costs and increases energy efficiency.

Methods of using the substance

Polyurethane foam can be applied both outside and inside. The substance has a number of positive properties, so every day it is used more and more often. But before starting work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the negative aspects that may arise in the process of applying a thermal insulation coating.

Often, thermal insulation is carried out by spraying a substance onto the surface. Polyurethane foam has good adhesion, therefore, upon contact with the wall, it increases in size and hardens.

During expansion, the material fills even the most microscopic gaps, creating an airtight coating, with the help of which cold does not penetrate through the walls and roof.

In this video, you will learn the pros and cons of spraying:

Very often sprayed PU foam is used at the construction stage of a structure. The substance is poured into molds, and the resulting parts are used after complete solidification.

Another option for pouring is filling voids where spraying cannot be done. For example, this method is used when you need to get rid of the empty space between the wall and the finishing material.

Polyurethane foam is obtained as a result of combining liquid polymers - polyisocyanate and polyol. The components are mixed without oxygen before spraying. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, the components are foamed. The finished compound moves through hoses to a spray gun and is applied to the surface under high pressure.

Polyurethane foam production technology

The process for the production of polyurethane foam involves mixing liquid components - isocyanate and polyol in the right proportions. In the course of the reaction, foaming and an increase in the volume of the resulting mixture occurs, after which it solidifies.

Polyurethane foam production technology implies compliance with several parameters. This is the temperature of the components and the environment, the ratio of component A (polyol) and component B (isocyanate). An important point in the production of polyurethane foam is a high-quality mixing of components. It is especially important to comply with the technological parameters for the production of elastic and integral polyurethane foam. Any insignificant deviation of at least one of the parameters leads to product rejection.

Temperature affects the production of polyurethane foam quite strongly. At a lower temperature, not only the consumption of raw materials increases, but also an increase in rejects at the exit. The homogeneity of the polyurethane foam itself at the outlet, the absence of air pockets and seals depend on the qualitative mixing of components in the production of polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam production can be divided into two parts:

  • PPU production by spraying
  • PPU production by pouring

Material characteristics

Thermal insulation by PPU spraying is in demand not only in industrial premises, but also in residential buildings.The substance is often used for thermal insulation of house ceilings, partitions, walls and floors. It should be noted that the material has sound insulation properties, and also protects the room from freezing and moisture ingress.

Positive traits

Polyurethane foam has a number of advantages, due to which it is considered one of the highest quality thermal insulation materials. The main ones are:

  1. The ability to firmly adhere to any surface - wood, metal and concrete.
  2. Low thermal conductivity contributes to the preservation of accumulated heat during internal insulation. If the coating is carried out outside, the substance prevents the penetration of cold air masses.
  3. The material carefully fills the gaps, contributing to sound insulation. When processing the roof from the inside, the material drowns out the noise of rain, which is very important for rooms located in the attic.
  4. Prevents the appearance of corrosion on metal structures, protects materials from negative environmental influences.
  5. Complex structures can be processed that cannot be insulated with conventional materials.
  6. The substance is classified as non-flammable. This property is due to the presence of polyol substance A in the composition. Combustion is possible at 450-500 ° C.
  7. The low weight of polyurethane foam allows it to be applied to any surface without fear of weighting the floors. After hardening, the thermal insulation material will give the structure additional rigidity.
  8. After processing with polyurethane foam, a seamless surface is obtained. This cannot be achieved using other insulation materials.
  9. The substance is easy to apply, quickly expands and hardens. The thermal insulation procedure will take 1-2 days.
  10. Due to the moisture resistance of PU foam, when using it, there is no need for additional fastening of the vapor barrier coating.
  11. Resistant to mold, decay, insects and rodents.
  12. Renowned manufacturers give a material guarantee for up to 50 years. However, with the right exterior finish, the insulation will last much longer.

Negative sides

It is impossible not to mention the cons of the material. All the disadvantages that may arise are due to independent work on thermal insulation and further operation of the insulation. Some of them:

  1. The main disadvantage of this type of thermal insulation is its high cost: renting or purchasing special equipment for applying the substance is expensive.
  2. During work, you need to wear a special protective suit, as well as a respirator. The latter is needed to protect the respiratory tract from harmful vapors released by the substance. It is imperative to protect all areas of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
  3. If a person does not have experience in working with polyurethane foam, the thermal insulation process can be extended, moreover, without quality assurance.
  4. The material is non-combustible, but when it comes into contact with fire, it smokes a lot, emitting many substances harmful to humans.
  5. If sprayed polyurethane foam is applied outside the building, it must be covered with finishing materials. The absence of the latter is fraught with rapid destruction of the substance under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


  • + Low cost of equipment, which means minimal investment at the start of a business. The most budgetary options for devices - from 65,000 rubles.
  • + Small dimensions and weight of installations. Usually, the weight does not exceed 100 kg, which makes it possible to move the equipment by one or two people. The dimensions of most installations allow them to be transported even in a passenger car (not counting raw materials).
  • + Easy to operate - no complicated mechanisms and electronics.
  • + Relatively inexpensive components and ease of maintenance. Often, equipment repairs are carried out with improvised means.
  • + The above two points indicate that there is no need for high qualifications of the operator. This is good for those new to the business.
  • + There is a possibility of changing the ratio of components from 1: 1 to 1: 2 with different steps. This allows you to work with almost any kind of components to obtain polyurethane foam.
  • + The performance of the device smoothly changes over a wide range without interrupting work. This makes it easy to tailor performance to site conditions.
  • + The required voltage is 220 V, while the power of the device itself usually does not exceed 3 kW (excluding the compressor), which allows you to connect even at home.

Process basics

Many people believe that it will be cheaper to insulate the house with polyurethane foam with their own hands. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so simple, because you need to possess not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. In addition, specialized equipment and materials are required. Before starting work, you must correctly configure the equipment.

When a person understands the operation of the system, but he does not have his own equipment, you can rent it, but it is quite expensive. In this case, it makes sense to invite a specialist with equipment who will quickly perform thermal insulation procedures, saving the owners from many problems.

If a person decides to independently carry out the warming process, then he needs to take into account some features. Among them:

  1. PPU thermal insulation can be carried out both in a finished house and at the stages of its construction. Spraying of the substance is carried out over the entire surface or on its individual parts. Cavities are filled with polyurethane foam as needed.
  2. During the work on insulation, the region of residence should be taken into account. The thickness of the substance layer directly depends on the specific climatic conditions.

Polyurethane foam filling equipment

The filling equipment for the production of polyurethane foam is characterized by increased productivity. This is justified by the need to manufacture large-volume molded products. For the convenience of operation, filling machines for the production of polyurethane foam are equipped with a pouring timer. Such a device monitors the time of supplying the required amount of raw materials to the mold and automatically turns off. The pouring time timer in the production of polyurethane foam allows you to accurately dose raw materials, avoiding product rejects due to "underfilling" of the required amount of components or, on the contrary, "overflow". In practice, it has been found that polyurethane foam equipment, equipped with a pouring time timer, saves up to 40% of raw materials.

In the production of molded products from rigid polyurethane foam, special pp molds are used for thermal insulation. For the production of insulating shells, a mold in the form of semi-cylindrical cavities is used. In the production of PPE shells, the required amount of polyurethane foam mixture is fed into such a form, after which it is closed. A reaction takes place in the mold, during which the polyurethane foam foams, hardens and occupies the entire mold. After a few minutes, the mold is opened and the finished product is taken out. Thermal insulation panels made of polyurethane foam are manufactured according to a similar scheme.

Among the equipment, you can find combined PPU installations, which allow you to engage in the production of PPU both by pouring and by spraying.

Thermal insulation stages

The process of insulation with polyurethane foam should include a number of sequential steps. The work is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before applying the substance, you need to prepare the surfaces: remove the old unstable coating from the walls (crumbling plaster, peeled paint, etc.).
  2. After carrying out cleaning manipulations, you need to build a crate, often it is made from a metal profile or wooden beams. The thickness of the guides depends on the future thermal insulation layer.
  3. With the help of the lathing, you can level the surface. The structure must be fixed to the wall using a level and a plumb line.
  4. The next step is to apply PPU with a special gun.
  5. The spray density of the substance should be adjusted on the equipment. If a thin layer is to be applied, spraying should be done in small sprays. In this case, the lathing must be made of thin parts, because it determines the thickness of the layer.
  6. Spraying the substance should start at the bottom of the wall, applying the material between the battens.
  7. PU foam is sprayed with a thin layer, which immediately becomes bulky. If this thickness is not enough, it is permissible to apply the substance a second time.
  8. After the polyurethane foam has hardened and the finished coating is leveled by cutting the protruding elements, it is possible to install the finishing material (lining or siding). If the thermal insulation is carried out outside the building, brickwork or plastering the surface can be laid on top.
  9. If plastering is planned, the walls should be tightened with mesh, which is attached to the guides. Then, a cement-sand mortar is applied by the throwing method. After the latter has solidified, it must be treated from above with any leveling mixture that will easily grab onto the base.

Thermal insulation by spraying polyurethane foam is a modern method of thermal insulation of a room. With proper processing and fulfillment of all conditions, the finished coating can last for more than a dozen years. The quality of the materials and the experience of the craftsman have a significant impact. It is advisable that the procedure for applying the substance is carried out by an experienced specialist., who will do his job quickly and efficiently.

Photo Balconies, loggias and cold walls in the Russian winter require thermal insulation. There are a lot of materials for this. One of them is polyurethane foam or polyurethane foam, as builders call it. In Russia, insulation began to be used recently. This material is applied by simple spraying and is extremely effective in conserving heat, therefore, in our harsh lands, it very quickly gained popularity.

The entire structure is uniformly saturated with countless air bubbles, and their volume, as a rule, is about 25% of the total volume of the product.

In Europe, polyurethane foam has been used for decades. For example, during the restoration of the old quarters of Paris, the remains of a polyurethane foam produced at the end of the 30s of the last century were found.

Speaking about the material itself, it should be noted that polyurethane foam reliably insulates surfaces, retaining heat.

The insulating layer is created by simply spraying a mixture of two substances, a polyol and a polyisocyanate. Mixing, these components react and form cells, inside of which air or carbon dioxide is preserved, which is completely harmless to people, but poorly conducts heat.

Reviews ↑

Most often, equipment for spraying with polyurethane foam is bought by installers and specialists who professionally perform insulation and other similar work. Of course, it is possible to buy PPU equipment for household use, but it is unlikely to be profitable if it is necessary to perform one or two operations. Studying the reviews of experts, one can note the main trend: it is not always worth buying devices from foreign manufacturers. Of course, they are of high quality and reliability, but domestic installations are not much inferior to them. But they are easier to maintain, have representative offices in many cities and their details are always available.

For example, our experts note the popularity of TM Graco among users. After analyzing this installation and the experience of its use, we found that it really allows you to save components, but, unfortunately, it is distinguished by expensive service, which one way or another entails some difficulties if repair is necessary.As always, it will not be possible to recommend you something strictly defined, and when choosing, everyone is guided not only by the required characteristics, but also assess the availability of equipment at a price.

Watch a video reviewing the PU foam spraying and PU foam shell casting business:

Types of polyurethane foam and scope

  1. Open-celled (elastic), with a density of 10-20 kg / m³;
  2. Closed-cell (rigid), with a density of 20-30 kg / m³ and higher, up to 80 kg / m³.

Polyurethane foam will perfectly protect the room from heat loss, as well as cope with its waterproofing.

In elastic PU foam, up to 90% of the cells are open. The low density gives it a certain stretch ability. In rigid polyurethane foam, up to 98% of the cells are closed. This and its high density make it an extremely durable insulating material.

Different types are used in different areas. When it comes to spraying on a material that can change its size - for example, metal structures that contract and expand with temperature changes - then elastic polyurethane foam is used. It is indispensable for waterproofing, for protecting the connection between the wall and the roof, for spraying on wooden and metal surfaces in contact with cold air outside the building.

Closed-cell (rigid) polyurethane foam is used for internal insulation and outdoor work. It is usually sprayed onto concrete, cement and brick surfaces. Closed-cell polyurethane foam is also used when you want to give the frame of the structure additional rigidity. Its high strength makes it possible to significantly strengthen unstable elements. Both types of PPU have many advantages, but very few disadvantages.


The main requirement for a material intended for thermal insulation is the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Figuratively speaking, the lower the coefficient, the less heat will pass through the material and escape into the atmosphere. Here is a table that clearly shows that polyurethane foam has no equal in thermal insulation:

MaterialCoefficient of thermal conductivity
Polyurethane foam0,019 — 0,03
Expanded polystyrene0,03 — 0,037
Mineral wool0, 04 — 0,05
Foam concrete0,056 — 0,098

However, PPU has other advantages as well. Namely:

Wall insulation scheme with polyurethane foam.

  • low thermal conductivity and very high thermal insulation properties;
  • providing sound, hydro and vapor barrier;
  • application by simple spraying;
  • perfect adhesion, that is, the ability to reliably adhere to any surface, with the exception of Teflon and silicone;
  • the ability to expand, filling all the cracks and holes, down to the smallest;
  • the ability to isolate the most inaccessible places, structural joints and grooves;
  • lack of seams;
  • no leaks and cold bridges;
  • protection of sensitive materials from bacteria and fungi;
  • high resistance to open flame due to the addition of fire retardants, substances that provide fire resistance;
  • speed and ease of use;
  • long service life - 20-25 years.


A short list of disadvantages of PPU is as follows:

To avoid health problems when spraying polyurethane foam, wear a respirator, goggles and heavy clothing.

  • high price;
  • sensitivity to direct sunlight. Where the polyurethane foam is exposed to the sun, its structure begins to break. This reduces the service life;
  • sensitivity to temperatures at the time of application;
  • excessive expansion of high density polyurethane foam when applied in a thick layer at once, and not in layers, can loosen the structure;
  • health hazard at the time of application. One of the components of polyurethane foam - polyisocyanate - irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

So that the polyurethane foam does not lose its qualities, heating under the sun, it is painted or covered with special coatings - siding, wooden profiles, decorative panels.And in order to avoid problems during spraying, work with polyurethane foam is carried out mainly in the summer. In addition, to avoid health problems when spraying PU foam, you should wear a respirator, goggles and heavy clothing.

Work of specialists

This is the best solution. Firms that are engaged in PPU spraying use high-power foam generators equipped with a vortex chamber, where a pressure of up to 140 atm is created. The finely dispersed mixture leaving the chamber forms a rapidly forming layer of insulation.

The application of insulation by means of the installation is simplified to the extreme. First, the walls or structures intended for insulation must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and peeling paint. If the surfaces are not made of metal, in case of direct contact with water, wait at least 24 hours so that moisture penetrating into the outer layers of the material evaporates completely. Windows, doors and surfaces, which it is desirable to protect from polyurethane foam, are protected with polyethylene, securing it with masking tape.

Having cleaned and dried the surfaces, you can proceed to the spraying itself. Wear a face-to-face respirator and safety goggles. A special overalls are used to protect the clothes.

Then they start assembling the installation. First, the nozzle is placed on the spray gun. The installation wrench connects the hoses to the containers, depending on their color coding. The hoses are then connected to the gun and the unit is ready for use.


  • - It does not allow processing polyurea, which is quite in demand today.
  • - "Unpretentious" models are inefficient and have unreliable working units (up to the use of a drive from a conventional drill).
  • - Most installations use hoses to deliver components to the spray gun with a maximum length of 30 m.
  • - The air supplied to the spray gun chamber creates a cloud of suspended foam components near the spraying point. There are difficulties with the stabilization of the spray "torch".
  • - Less uniform layer and density of the resulting polyurethane foam, as a result, less uniform thermal conductivity.
  • - Slightly higher consumption of raw materials in comparison with high pressure installations.


