Conventional graphic designation of the thermostat. Thermostat designation in the diagram

What is a schematic diagram

You can read the academic definition of a schematic diagram on Wikipedia, here I will remind you:

A schematic diagram is a drawing made using conventional symbols and showing the interaction of elements of a device or prefabricated unit, without their physical location.

The main purpose of the schematic diagram is to show how the installation elements are connected and in what sequence.

Designations on normative schematic diagrams are carried out by conventions, according to GOST documents. For heating, these are GOST 21.609-83, GOST 21-606-95: Standards for the implementation of drawings of thermal equipment inside a building.

It is worth noting that for heating systems in the network you can find a lot of visual schematic diagrams, where instead of normative symbols, pictures showing the elements of the heating system are used.

The designation of the thermostat in the drawings according to GOST - Auto RX - Auto Mir

Designation according to GOST. Decoding of designation. … Differential pressure switch. Thermal relay, thermostat, temperature sensor with signal conversion.

Useful articles about home electrics, sockets ... for heating | Thermostat. ... In the Russian Federation, the symbols on the diagrams are standardized by GOST 21.614-88 ... Accordingly, the symbols used in the drawings are different for them.

Symbols in electrical circuits GOST They, without fail, are displayed in all drawings as symbols. ... Elements used in the general order are indicated in the drawings as ... Underfloor heating and thermostats. Current transformers.

Conditional graphic images of electrical equipment ... 2. The dimensions of the images are given for drawings made at a scale of 1: 100. When executing images in other scales, the dimensions of the images should be ... 1.3.3. The font of the letter designations is taken in accordance with GOST 2.304-81 equal to 2.5 mm.

2. conventional graphic symbols ... conventional graphic designations of elements of electrical circuits. 2.1. Symbols of general use (GOST ... When making drawings - posters - in coursework and diploma design, you should refer to the literature [2], in ...

GOST 2.310-68: ... Drawing designations ... Drawing designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment. Interstate standard GOST 2.310-68 “Unified system for design documentation.

Indication of maximum form deviations in the drawings ... Tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces are indicated on the drawings by symbols. ... For example: 1. Unspecified tolerances of shape and location - according to GOST 25069-81.

Welding -… types, guests, designations | Download drawings ... % D0% BE% D1% 81% D0% BE% D0% B1% D1% 8B-% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B4% D1% 8B-% D0% B3% D0% BE% D1% 81 % D1% 82% D1% 8B-% D0% BE% D0% B1% D0% BE% D0% B7% D0% BD% D0% B0% D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D1% 8F In the drawings, a digital is added to the letter designation: C1, C2, SZ ... double-sided with two bevels of one edge, thickness ...

… GOST. DIN Symbols on plans and drawings Architecture, design, ESKD, Symbols on plpnas, Symbols, Symbols of graphic materials and rules for their application on drawings GOST 2.306-68, Composite materials , Designation of material in the view, Windows ...

... about electricity. - Graphic symbols ... Symbols in electrical circuits according to GOST 7624-55.In the Soviet Union in 1955, GOST 7624-55 was adopted for a number of designations in radio engineering circuits, canceled in 1964.

Drawing according to GOST / // % B0% D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5% 20% D1% 82% D0% B5% D1% 80% D0% BC% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1 % 82% D0% B0% D1% 82% D0% B0% 20% D0% BD% D0% B0% 20% D1% 87% D0% B5% D1% 80% D1% 82% D0% B5% D0% B6 % D0% B0% D1% 85% 20% D0% BF% D0% BE% 20% D0% B3% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82 Just download the program!

What is a furnace

In this article I will show you a basic diagram of a furnace, so it doesn't hurt to remember what it is.

The furnace of a private house is a room located inside a house or an annex, in which the equipment of the heating system of the house is planned and will be placed, namely, one or two heating boilers with a capacity of not more than 100 kW, each.

Premises for the furnace require special preparation. For them, the size, location, ventilation and other parameters that must be observed are normalized. Read more here.

Pros and cons of steel radiators

For the manufacture of such units, low-carbon steel is used. The surface of the product must be covered with protective enamel. Good quality steel batteries have high performance properties. They do not rust and tolerate various aggressive influences normally. Tubular and panel steel batteries are commercially available.

GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Specifications GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Technical conditions

Pros and cons of steel radiators

Panel devices are assembled from a certain number of steel plates connected to each other. The finished panels are attached to each other. The features of such an assembly made it possible to achieve the highest possible heat capacity values. Each plate is comparatively thinner. As a result, the finished battery weighs relatively little, which is an additional plus. Various connection options are available.

On average, a standard steel battery is designed to operate at a pressure of 5-10 atmospheres. Experts recommend using such units when arranging autonomous heating systems. In simple city apartments, their use is usually impossible due to the fact that the pressure in the central heating system exceeds the values ​​allowed for batteries of this type.

For the assembly of tubular-type units, steel pipes with a high-quality polymer coating are used. The thickness of the pipes directly depends on what kind of load they can cope with. It is best if the battery is made of stainless steel.

GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Specifications GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Technical conditions

Steel radiator

Also, tubular steel batteries outperform their panel counterparts in terms of service life, which can reach 30 years or more. They are connected in accordance with all existing methods. Working pressure indicators are usually at the level of 7-16 atmospheres, it is additionally recommended to clarify this point in the product passport.

Schematic diagram as part of a house project

The construction of a private house, which we will call correct, should be carried out according to the project. It doesn't matter what kind of project it will be, ready-made with modifications or individual, the main thing it should be.

An integral part of the house project is the engineering part. It includes drawings for all engineering equipment and engineering networks in and out of the house. The heating part of the project is called Heating and Ventilation Workshop Drawings. A set of OV drawings consists of the following sheets (for example):

  • Heating system diagram;
  • Heating schemes with radiators and / or warm floors;
  • Connecting manifold cabinets;
  • Schematic diagram of the furnace.

As you can see, the schematic diagram of the furnace is included in the set of working drawings of the OV.

Basic conventional graphic symbols

We turn to the consideration of the designations of the elements themselves, made according to interstate standards.Having memorized the most basic and most common ones, understanding many of the schemes will become much easier.

Basic images

No electronic device is complete without resistors, coils, capacitors, transistors, diodes, contacts and switches in its device. Moreover, some models of elements, such as coils and capacitors, are very small in size, depending on their value, so beginners should not be surprised at their widespread use, but learn and remember how they are depicted in the drawings.

So, for example, according to GOST:

  • the resistor is indicated by a rectangle measuring 4X10mm;
  • Condenser - in two parallel sections, the distance between which is 1.5mm;
  • Coils - arc lines, from 2 to 4, depending on the purpose;
  • Diodes - triangles, to the top of which a line parallel to the base is drawn. The "arrow" formed by the graphics indicates in which direction the diode is open and which is closed;
  • Transistors are a circle with a diameter of 12mm, from which three lines or, in other words, contacts emanate. The arrow inside indicates that this terminal of the transistor is an emitter and what type of element it belongs to (n-p-n or p-n-p);
  • Devices such as an ammeter, wattmeter or voltmeter are also indicated by a circle, but with a diameter of 10 mm and the generally accepted letter abbreviation PA, PW and PV, respectively;
  • Contacts - by an open line, at one end of which a 6mm length is drawn at an angle of 30 °.

How are the elements symbolized on electrical circuits?

Lines of wires and conductors

Conductors in all diagrams are depicted mainly by straight lines connecting elements in the desired sequence. It is allowed to apply data above the line to clarify the parameters of the supplied voltage and current to the device as a whole or to a separate part of it. In such cases, it is allowed to indicate:

  • Type of current (direct, alternating, pulse);
  • Voltage value;
  • Material;
  • Wiring methods.
  • Marks, etc.

Symbols of heating schemes

Unlike visual heating schemes, in which the designations are more or less clear, in the correct schematic diagram, the designations require explanation. You can find them in GOST 21.205-93 SPDS: Symbols of elements of sanitary systems. Below are 9 cards with symbols on the drawings of heating systems.

Symbols of tanks and pumps

Valve symbols

Crane Symbols

Drive Symbols

Pipe Symbols

Legend for driving directions

Piping Symbols


We have already told you how to decipher the marking of wires and cables. Single-line wiring diagrams also have their own letters that make it clear what is included in the network. So, according to GOST 7624-55, the letter designation of elements on electrical circuits is as follows:

  1. Relays of current, voltage, power, resistance, time, intermediate, indicating, gas and with a time delay, respectively - RT, RN, RM, RS, RV, RP, RU, RG, RTV.
  2. KU - control button.
  3. KV - limit switch.
  4. KK is a command controller.
  5. PV - travel switch.
  6. DG is the main engine.
  7. DO - cooling pump motor.
  8. DBH is a high speed engine.
  9. DP - feed engine.
  10. DSh - spindle motor.

In addition, the following letter designations are distinguished in the domestic marking of elements of radio engineering and electrical circuits:

This concludes a brief overview of the symbols in electrical diagrams. We hope that now you know how sockets, switches, lamps and other circuit elements are indicated in the drawings and plans of living quarters.

Also read:

Schematic diagram of a furnace - example

I propose to see an example, a furnace diagram from a finished project of a private house, with an area of ​​about 350 meters.

In this example of a basic diagram of a furnace, a wall-mounted gas boiler is used, as the most popular type of heating boiler. Similar wall-mounted gas boilers are used in houses up to 300 sq. meters, the power of the boilers is small, from 30-50 kW. The design of the wall-mounted gas boiler is very compact and includes all the necessary elements. Due to this, wall-mounted gas boilers are often called mini boiler rooms.

Selection rules

It would seem that all radiators on the market are largely identical, but they have many differences.

Before buying a heater, you should pay attention to some of its features.

GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Specifications GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Technical conditions
Observing all the installation rules, you will provide yourself with high-quality heating for a long time.

Number of panels

This is an important indicator that affects the power of the heater. The most common radiators contain:

  • 1 slab (their thickness does not exceed 6 cm);
  • 2 slabs (from 10 to 14 cm);
  • 3 slabs (15-18 cm).

When comparing all types of panels with the same power, single-panel radiators will turn out to be the most effective due to the fact that in such a product both of its surfaces are in contact with air currents. An important plus of these models is their compactness.

Two-panel models are more powerful than single-panel ones, but not significantly. The additional stove has a capacity equal to 70% of the main one.

Three-panel appliances are the most powerful, but also the largest. Due to their size, they are not used in apartments or houses.

In this video, you will learn how to connect the batteries correctly:

Product marking

Having carefully studied the marking, you can find out the main characteristics of the product. The designation is deciphered as follows:

  • the first number indicates the number of panels;
  • the second indicates the number of planes with edges;
  • type of connection to pipes is designated as V - bottom, C - side.

Often, the labeling contains information about the height and width of the panels.

Connection method, performance and equipment

According to the connection method, the radiator panels are divided into side and bottom. When laying heating pipes along walls, it is recommended to choose models with side connection. The most common panels are with the bottom mounting method. The kit with such a product must include a thermostatic valve and a thermal head.

GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Specifications GOST 8690-94 Cast iron heating radiators. Technical conditions
You can install radiators with your own hands, following the instructions

Any panel heating radiator is, in a sense, a convector, which increases its efficiency. In products with two or more lower panels, there are openings at the bottom through which cold air enters in and out through the top, warming up to the set temperature.

When buying a radiator that will be installed independently, you should consider the need for additional equipment. Probes, pipes, taps, etc. may be needed. Subject to the recommendations for choosing a product, as well as fulfilling all the conditions for correct installation, the heating radiator will last for many years and will not cause any problems.

In this video, you will learn about aluminum and steel heaters:

Description of the circuit

This scheme uses a two-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler from Viesmann (1), with a capacity of 8.0-31.7 kW. In addition to the heating system, the scheme provides for a hot water supply system (2) (a boiler of the same company for 300 liters) and a heating system with warm floors.

In heating and hot water systems, expansion tanks (4), (5) from Reflex are used. To improve circulation in the systems, Wilo pumps are provided:

  • Boiler circuit pump (6);
  • Heating system pump (7);
  • Underfloor heating system pump (8);
  • DHW pump (9) and circulation pump (10).

Particular attention should be paid to two distribution manifolds dу = 76 × 3.5 (according to scheme 3).

For safety, there are two Vissmann groups:

Boiler safety group 3 bar (11);

Boiler safety kit (12) DN15, H = 6 bar.

All elements of the circuit diagram are detailed in the specification for the circuit.

Wiring diagram for underfloor heating thermostat

The standard wiring diagram for an electronic floor heating thermostat, regardless of the manufacturer, is as follows:

Legend on the diagram:

N - Working zero

N LOAD - One of the ends of the heating cable, which of the two does not matter. In Devi underfloor heating systems, the ends of the heating cable? which are connected to the thermostat, for convenience, have different color coding - one blue, the second black, you can use this hint and connect the blue wire to the N LOAD terminal, but if you mix it up, nothing bad will happen.

L - Phase

L LOAD - The second (left unconnected) end of the underfloor heating heating cable. In case of underfloor heating DEVI - in black braid.

NTS - under this marking there are two terminals at once, a warm floor temperature sensor is connected to them. With the DEVI D535 thermostat, used as an example with us, there is a temperature sensor with white and black wires. The order of connecting the sensor wires to the NTS terminals of the thermostat does not matter.

The protective zero or grounding of the supply cable is connected directly to the shield of both input cables of the underfloor heating, while, in this case, the connection takes place outside the thermostat (for connection, we recommend using WAGO terminals or similar). In thermostats of other manufacturers, there is a separate ground terminal, along with the standard ones mentioned above.

So, to summarize, in order to connect the thermostat to a warm floor, according to the standard wiring diagram presented above, it is necessary that:

- Three-core power cable:

Phase - any colored vein different from the others, usually white, brown or black

Working zero (zero or neutral) - blue core or blue-white

Protective zero (ground) - yellow-green core

- Heating cable for underfloor heating, consisting of two wires with a protective screen.

- Underfloor heating temperature sensor. It is located in a corrugated pipe going to the installation site of the underfloor heating, with white and black veins.

The presented scheme for connecting a warm floor to a thermostat is the most common, which guarantees the full operation of the entire system. In addition to this type, there are also floor heating thermostats with additional capabilities. So, for example, there is a thermostat with a terminal for connecting an external timer.


L with month - a terminal for connecting a timer, which makes it possible, for example, to lower the temperature of the warm floor at night.

The markings of the rest of the terminals completely coincide with those described above.

If you encounter any difficulty when connecting the thermostat to a warm floor, you can ask your question in the comments to the article, we will try to help! Also, be sure to write comments, additions and any wishes on the topic of the article.

Sewerage: design features

The sewerage system in any home or production facility is divided into indoor and outdoor modules. The first covers cleaning inside buildings, the second provides for external sewage around the house.

The internal sewerage module is formed from a network of pipelines combined into one complex. This module has only one exit from the house, connected to the outdoor module by means of a check valve, which prevents the system from overflowing with water in the event that the external tanks are overfilled.

External sewerage, as a rule, consists of a cesspool with a septic tank, into which all internal and external drains from external sewerage lines are drained, including "rainfall" if there is one on the site.

What is required for implementation

First, decide if you will have your own office. Your own workspace will be a plus for your business, but it will require additional expenses. If the start-up capital is small, then it is better not to think about it yet.

It is important to find a specialist who will provide plumbing services. It is even better if there are several masters.

Thus, they will be able to fulfill several orders at the same time, multiplying your profit. It should be understood that high-quality craftsmen work only with the appropriate level of payment.

It is necessary to fully provide the master with the necessary tools, as well as, if possible, branded overalls. The client is pleased to see the master, who is neatly dressed and comes with "full equipment".

Symbols of piping elements

Also, at the initial stages, you will need the services of advertising agencies. They will be able to design branded flyers and posters. Advertising should be concise and describe all the advantages of the company's services in comparison with competitors. It can be a high-quality and cheap service, a large number of craftsmen. Initial advertising is best placed in newspapers and on the Internet, where the cost is low.

How to choose the right heating radiator for your home

Before choosing a heating radiator, you should pay attention to the thermal conductivity of the material from which it is made. The coefficient of thermal conductivity shows the intensity of heat transfer through the material.

The higher the indicator, the smaller the heating devices can be, and the less space they will take under the window.

Another point that should not be forgotten when describing heating radiators is the smooth start of the system with a gradual increase in pressure. Failure to comply with this requirement leads to water hammer, from which the radiator can fail.

The principle of heating a room with a radiator is convection and radiation. Warm air rises where it mixes with cold air. Traditionally, radiators are placed under the window - the main source of cold air intake in winter. It should be borne in mind that the battery also heats up the outer wall, so some of the heat is lost. To reduce heat loss, you can use a heat-insulating layer with aluminum foil on top. Foil reflects heat radiation, and thermal insulation does not allow heat to pass out.

Currently, there are models on the market equipped with a room temperature controller. In order for the air to circulate normally, the distance between the battery and the surface of the wall or insulation should be 3-4 cm. The window sill located above the radiator creates an obstacle to the movement of warm air upwards. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 8 cm, and the radiator must be raised at least 10 cm from the floor. Decorative screens reduce the radiator's heat emission. If, nevertheless, it is decided to install them, you should raise the screen at a distance of 10 cm from the floor and make holes in the windowsill for more active air circulation.

In country houses, the pressure in heating devices is lower than in city apartments. In a country house, the pressure should be no more than 3 atm, so most of the presented radiators can be installed in them.

Speaking about which heating radiator to choose, in addition to the operating pressure, the gas formation factor in the radiators should also be taken into account.


